20 May 2019

Nouvelle base de données: Fort Ticonderoga

Un nouvel outil pour les chercheurs!

Le fort Ticonderoga, alias le fort Carillon (originalement érigé par les Français en 1755), est aujourd'hui géré par un organisme à but non lucratif. Celui-ci s’occupe non seulement de conserver le site qui est lié à la guerre de Sept Ans et la Révolution américaine, mais cherche également à le mettre en valeur et à promouvoir sa mission éducative. Entre autres, le fort accueille annuellement un colloque portant sur la guerre de Sept Ans au printemps ainsi qu’un autre à l’automne sur la Révolution américaine. Le fort contient également une impressionnante collection d’artéfacts et de documents, dont la plus grande collection privée de canons du 18e siècle au monde.

Sur ce dernier point, l’équipe du fort Ticonderoga a récemment mis en ligne une partie de sa base de données cataloguant ses collections. Cette année, j’ai eu le plaisir d’écouter la directrice des collections, Miranda Peters, nous présenter et expliquer l’utilisation de leur nouveau site internet. Je vous invite à mon tour à le fureter à l’adresse suivante : https://fortticonderoga.pastperfectonline.com/ 

Voici quelques-unes de mes pièces préférées :
Et vous, que trouverez-vous?

A French & Indian War Treasure Discovered

Dean Carlson, the Curator of the Museum of Connecticut History in Hartford, was quoted as having a "cerebral meltdown" when viewing what was uncovered behind a wall in a local old home... and to be honest, so am I! The Hartford Courant published yesterday an article regarding the discovery of an amazing sketch that seems to depict a battle during the Seven Years' War in America, or possibly (though less likely if you ask me) from the American Revolution. You can read the full article here. It isn't known if the art was produced by someone who witnessed the battle or simply by a person illustrating one he heard about.
Though I won't repeat the reporting here, I wish to share details that struck my eye observing this wonderful piece of hidden history. 

The original photo from the Hartford Courant

The use of bows and arrows during the Seven Years Wars was often dismissed
by Historians who believed firearms had long replaced them. Though archival
proof exists proving they were indeed used, this is some of the only
iconography I've ever seen.

A cannon being fired. 

The enemy, both French and Indigenous, represented in black and differentiated
by the French wearing hats.

A victim of arrows.

Working with only two colours, the artist could draw the British
in more detail, with hats, pants and shoes. 

No doubt the British and French commanders, leading with their swords.

I can only hope one day I'll have the chance to take a closer look at this unexpected and wonderful visual representation from the French and Indian War.